- “Across the Sahel region, an estimated 10 million people are at risk of famine…WFP is $22 million short of the $124 million it needs to purchase 113,000 mt of food for Niger…’”we estimate our needs at 100,000 tonnes of cereals. So far, we have received 55,000.’” Source
- Great post on how those who believe science and religion are incompatible are “labeled as extremists who can be safely excluded from grownup discussions about the issue”.
- Photographer covers handicapped pets including a dog with BOTH front legs missing
- Best bit I’ve seen about the change of primeministership: “Just as racism ended forever with the election of Barack Obama, sexism in my homeland is now OVER FOREVER. Australia will now become a matriarchal society, like bonobo colonies, or a feminist utopia where birth control and Ani di Franco CDs are subsidized by the government.” Source
- A great bit of supergeeky standup comedy: all your favourite dinosaurs suck
- I’m a Mac and I have a dirty little secret
- A world-first government initiative and it’s in Australia! “On 27 June 2010 the Minister for Youth, Kate Ellis, announced new Australian Government initiatives to promote positive body image among young Australians. The new initiatives aim to build young people’s resilience to negative body image pressures and promote leadership on this issue in the fashion, media and advertising industries.” First time in a while I’m not entirely ashamed of my country’s government.
- Dan Savage was right all along: selfish lovers are better on bed. To be more precise, “as a partner’s sexual self-focus decreased, their partner’s satisfaction decreased”
- Also via Savage, this has to be seen to be believed. “Pediatric endocrinologist Maria New…[is] trying to prevent the births of girls who display an ‘abnormal’ disinterest in babies, don’t want to play with girls’ toys or become mothers, and whose ‘career preferences’ are deemed to ‘masculine.’” “We anticipate that prenatal dexamethasone therapy will reduce the well-documented behavioral masculinization”
- Good bit of cartoon mockery: the 24 types of libertarian

East Boston: A Neighborhood Rich in History and Culture with a Modern
East Boston, or "Eastie" as the locals call it, is a neighborhood that beautifully marries its rich history with a vibrant, evolving culture. Nestled across the harbor from downtown Boston, Eastie is more than just a gateway to Logan Airport; it’s a community with a...