Friday Links (14-Jan-11)

Friday Links (14-Jan-11)

This super-abridged Bible project is taking up most of my blogging timeslot so posts may be sparser since each book takes longer to prepare. But I shan’t miss a link dump! 20 actual scienticians’ studies on religion It’s 1 year since the Haiti earthquake. Hundreds of...
Friday Links (17-Dec-10)

Friday Links (17-Dec-10)

I’m back from overseas as of recently (on which I may post soon) but am very tired. Plus I’ve missed 2+ weeks of blogospheric shenanigans and only caught up in a short time. So without further superfluousness, enjoy the cut-down jet lag version of Friday links! A...
Friday Links (13-Aug-10)

Friday Links (13-Aug-10)

Real drowning looks nothing like how it’s portrayed on TV. Here are the real signs of drowning: must read for anyone who lives near the coast. Who’d think a Korean teacher giving a lesson in how to swear in English would be so hilarious? Out of all the commentary on...
Friday Links (2-Jul-10)

Friday Links (2-Jul-10)

“Across the Sahel region, an estimated 10 million people are at risk of famine…WFP is $22 million short of the $124 million it needs to purchase 113,000 mt of food for Niger…’”we estimate our needs at 100,000 tonnes of cereals. So far, we have received...