Friday Links (23-Nov-12)

Friday Links (23-Nov-12)

Zinnia Jones on talking about Hormone Replacement Therapy in a world that’s both sexist and clueless about what people go through. How the Catholic League (headed by world-class asshole Bill Donohue) is essentially a large-scale, highly-driven organisation whose aim...
Friday Links (16-Nov-12)

Friday Links (16-Nov-12)

Leslie Chang on The voices of Chinese workers. In short, by making all discussion about Chinese factories about our conception of the horrible working conditions without actually speaking to Chinese workers and listening to them, we condescend, miss the point and make...
Friday Links (26-Oct-12)

Friday Links (26-Oct-12)

I can’t believe I haven’t posted yet about one of the best YouTube channels I know. Crash Course is a weekly animated education series run by the quirky Green brothers. This year it’s biology and world history (with some fascinating takes). Next year, the world. One...
Friday Links (19-Oct-12)

Friday Links (19-Oct-12)

While the US contraception “debate” (and especially Sandra Fluke’s Democratic Convention speech) has provoked a storm of batshit crazy and ludicrously offensive replies, this one might take the cake Amusing look at a man who’s on the conservative public lecture...
Friday Links (12-Oct-12)

Friday Links (12-Oct-12)

Fascinating press release by Stanford: an academic of humanities has organised an MRI scan of literature students reading Jane Austen in two modes (leisurely vs close literary study). The two show quite different brain patterns suggesting that humanities gives the...