Friday Links (11-May-12)

Friday Links (11-May-12)

  Amazing stunt biking at an abandoned industrial site. Research shows that for certain highways raising the speed limit will reduce the accident rate. Meaning the police department has gone and implemented these right away. Nah, just kidding, they’re still...
Friday Links (14-Jan-11)

Friday Links (14-Jan-11)

This super-abridged Bible project is taking up most of my blogging timeslot so posts may be sparser since each book takes longer to prepare. But I shan’t miss a link dump! 20 actual scienticians’ studies on religion It’s 1 year since the Haiti earthquake. Hundreds of...
Friday Links (17-Dec-10)

Friday Links (17-Dec-10)

I’m back from overseas as of recently (on which I may post soon) but am very tired. Plus I’ve missed 2+ weeks of blogospheric shenanigans and only caught up in a short time. So without further superfluousness, enjoy the cut-down jet lag version of Friday links! A...