Friday Links (5-Oct-12)

Oct 5, 2012 | Blog Topics, Links

  • Language Log takes a look at the unsourced factlets that are often used when trying to show how the youngsters aren’t literate anymore, nobody reads and hey, the sky is falling too.
  • How racial prejudice contributed to the foreclosure crisis in terms of which loans were being sold to whom. But of course those who point this out must be the real racists because they aren’t colourblind, right?
  • A week at Jesus Camp
  • Cliff Pervocracy explores how different models of what sex should be like affect behaviour and satisfaction.
  • My friend Keren on realising the problems with visiting a poor country where everyone is friendly and concluding that people are ‘poor but happy’.
  • The lurking sexism behind natural parenting [as a purer-than-thou expectation].
  • Another sad day for a major journal, Nature publishes an article called Sometimes Science Must Give Way To Religion. Read it and weep: it is as bad as the title suggests, and possibly worse. In a stunning followup, an editor of Nature defended the article and accused the [almost completely] negative comments of engaging in scientism and misinterpreting the original article. (They did not.)

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