Friday Links (16-Nov-12)

Nov 16, 2012 | Blog Topics, Links

  • Leslie Chang on The voices of Chinese workers. In short, by making all discussion about Chinese factories about our conception of the horrible working conditions without actually speaking to Chinese workers and listening to them, we condescend, miss the point and make the world a lot shittier.
  • PZ Myers on how the ENCODE project was ridiculously oversold to the public.
  • Orac writes on the relationship between the anti-GMO and anti-vaccine movements
  • How to Get Arrested Without Really Trying: a very disturbing and sad piece about one woman’s experience with the horrors of the war on drugs.
  • I think infant circumcision is appalling but so’s this: “How an anti-circumcision fringe group waged an ideological attack against AIDS scholarship.”
  • The evolutionary origin of everything tasting like chicken.
  • Most critiques of Sam Harris tend to be very bad but here Eric MacDonald takes him to task on torture in all the ways that actually counts.

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Harry Belafonte: A Life of Style and Strength

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