by Carl Howard | Oct 13, 2015 | Biases and Fallacies, Charity and Philanthropy, Resources, Food and Environment, Society
The Abbott government introduced a new page in Australian tax assessments that provides a breakdown of where your taxes go. I’m not sure whose idea it was but I really like the concept. It might be one of the only positive achievements of Abbott’s 726 days in office....
by Carl Howard | Sep 29, 2015 | Atrocities and Oppression, Ethics, Race, Science and Skepticism
[CN: Racism and racist violence (esp. in the video)] Itamar Rose is an Israeli who makes satirical social experiment films on issues considered taboo and contentious [largely to an Israeli audience]. Some examples of videos he was involved in: Seeing how many...
by Carl Howard | Sep 22, 2015 | Feminism and LGBT, Science and Skepticism
The last 12 months have seen a lot of media coverage of women’s representation in gaming, coding and the tech industry. Most of the steps so far have been cultural (eg. responses to Gamergate) but there has been some direct action. The loudest being Intel pledging...
by Carl Howard | Sep 8, 2015 | Biases and Fallacies, Feminism and LGBT, Language, Race
I’m sure you’ve seen the one-line that’s the title of this post: Although the above joke is about vegans, it’s a standard template used against lots of other groups (as we’ll see below). An interesting connection to the vegan version of the joke is the countless times...
by Carl Howard | Aug 23, 2015 | Ethics, Feminism and LGBT, Sex
The intertubes are alight with articles on the Ashley Madison hacking and two data dumps of the member database. While some of the messaging I’ve seen has been nuanced there’s a good chance it will be dwarfed by hype and clickbait so some thoughts and links about it....
by Carl Howard | Aug 11, 2015 | Atheism and Religion, Blogging Jewish Law, Blogging the Bible, Feminism and LGBT
You may have seen the news about Yishai Schlissel: he stabbed marchers during Jerusalem’s LGBT parade in 2005, served 10 years and did it again as soon as he got out. He stabbed six people at last week’s parade including 16yo Shira Banki who died of her wounds. This...