by Carl Howard | May 15, 2012 | Atrocities and Oppression, Biases and Fallacies, Charity and Philanthropy, Race, Science and Skepticism, Society
Kony2012 exploded just as I was leaving for overseas so I didn’t get a chance to post about it. Now that I’m back, it’s largely died off. Still, there are a few things that are important to discuss specifically now that attention has died off. And there are important...
by Carl Howard | Feb 13, 2012 | Biases and Fallacies, Blog Topics, Medicine, Mind, Psychology and Consciousness, Science and Skepticism, Sex, Society
…is (in my opinion) a ridiculous organisation at whose core is sex-negative pseudoscience. I can’t remember how I stumbled onto their website, I think it was from looking at the keywords used to find the blog. But it’s quite shocking to see a viewpoint that’s so...
by Carl Howard | Feb 6, 2012 | Atrocities and Oppression, Biases and Fallacies, Blog Topics, History, Race, Science and Skepticism
An awesome letter has been making the rounds on the internet. It’s a 1865 reply by Jourdan Anderson (a former slave) to his former master Colonel P.H. Anderson. P.H. Anderson wrote asking Jourdan Anderson* to come back to work for him. Jourdan Anderson was living in...
by Carl Howard | Feb 5, 2012 | Biases and Fallacies, Blog Topics, Charity and Philanthropy, Resources, Food and Environment
With the recent Susan G. Komen For The Cure brouhaha, the question of what charities (especially very large charities) spend their money on has been in discussion once more. If you’ve been under a rock, a quick recap. Susan G Komen has recently cut funding to a...
by Carl Howard | Jan 16, 2012 | Atrocities and Oppression, Blog Topics, History, Society
I’ve been reading a lot about the Gulags lately including the monumental Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. I’ll post more later but I thought it was especially important to translate a page by Shalamov that I found. Varlam Shalamov is famous for his Kolyma...
by Carl Howard | Jan 9, 2012 | Biases and Fallacies, Blog Topics, Charity and Philanthropy, Science and Skepticism, Society
I thought a brief foray into cartooning (using material from other people’s hard work) would explain things better than words: I think ultimately it’s just another example of folk-Kantianism (ie. caring mostly about the “intent” of an act, quite literally an...