by Carl Howard | Jan 10, 2014 | Charity and Philanthropy, History, Medicine, Race, Resources, Food and Environment
First, consider a question you probably don’t think about often and might consider indelicate: how you clean your bum after you do a poo? Hold the thought, it’ll come in handy in a sec later. TED talks. While they might have been an exciting new thing when they first...
by Carl Howard | Jan 6, 2014 | Atheism and Religion, Blogging Jewish Law, Feminism and LGBT
A story broke a few weeks ago about some rabbis in New York using violence to obtain Jewish bills of divorce. If you haven’t seen it, here are some excerpts from this story: Orthodox women who are unable to obtain a get from their estranged husbands cannot remarry in...
by Carl Howard | Dec 19, 2013 | Atrocities and Oppression, Blog Topics, Feminism and LGBT, Poems, Society
Dear stranger or acquaintance I have a thing to ask It’s not a great big burden It’s just an easy task But I would like to like you And that could well require Not knowing your opinion On topics of some ire Your thoughts on Chelsea Manning Are brilliant, I’m sure You...
by Carl Howard | Dec 16, 2013 | Atrocities and Oppression, Biases and Fallacies, Blog Topics, History, Race, Society
A very common political trope in western liberal democracies is for more conservative people to call candidates/policies by less conservative people/parties as communist or socialist or a similar pejorative term. This happens during elections but also during the day...
by Carl Howard | Dec 9, 2013 | Atrocities and Oppression, Feminism and LGBT
[Content note: mention of graphic violence, transphobia] On 27th March of this year, 23 year old C. Acoff was murdered in Cleveland, Ohio. The murder was incredibly brutal. She was stabbed multiple times, then tied with a rope to a block of concrete and...
by Carl Howard | Dec 4, 2013 | Atrocities and Oppression, Biases and Fallacies, Blog Topics, Ethics, History, Race, Science and Skepticism, Society
It’s common to hear lamentations about the stupidity of the general voting public. “And these people vote!” is a common ending to a story about stupidity as you can see in the image above. It’s not as combative as “And these people breed!” (which I might cover later)...