by Carl Howard | Feb 23, 2010 | Blog Topics, Ethics, Philosophy
In the previous post, I argued that morality is made up of basic atomic statements (eg. “causing another being to suffer for its own sake is wrong”) that cannot be proved or further broken down into non-moral statements. In a way, I’ve actually argued that metaethics...
by Carl Howard | Feb 5, 2010 | Atheism and Religion, Blog Topics, Blogging the Bible
Just Who Was Ruling Over Israel? The book of Samuel now takes an interesting turn and sorta pulls the rug out from under you. Chapters 1-12 depict a relatively independent Israel that has just chosen Saul for itself as king. Now, it turns out that all this time, the...
by Carl Howard | Feb 1, 2010 | Atheism and Religion, Blog Topics, Blogging the Bible
Classic texts are often portrayed as timeless, as something that can be related to beyond the specific context their author wrote them in. Shakespeare is the best example, with many an English teacher swearing that the portrayals of, say, despair, grief and betrayal...
by Carl Howard | Jan 18, 2010 | Atheism and Religion, Blog Topics, Blogging the Bible
–[continued from previous post] choose the first king of Israel. This is the unfortunate (as we’ll learn later) lad called Saul, the precursor to the book’s main protagonist. The story of Saul becoming king is very well written, reminding me of the story of Samuel’s...
by Carl Howard | Jan 18, 2010 | Atheism and Religion, Blog Topics, Blogging the Bible
–[continued from previous post] choose the first king of Israel. This is the unfortunate (as we’ll learn later) lad called Saul, the precursor to the book’s main protagonist. The story of Saul becoming king is very well written, reminding me of the story of Samuel’s...
by Carl Howard | Jan 11, 2010 | Atheism and Religion, Blog Topics, Blogging the Bible
–[continued from previous post]–the Ark was placed in a remote town and largely forgotten. Samuel’s long reign (over 20 years) is given just one chapter. The only notable thing he does is suggest the Israelites stop worshipping other gods so that YHWH will give them...