Friday Links (19-Oct-12)

Oct 19, 2012 | Blog Topics, Links

  • While the US contraception “debate” (and especially Sandra Fluke’s Democratic Convention speech) has provoked a storm of batshit crazy and ludicrously offensive replies, this one might take the cake
  • Amusing look at a man who’s on the conservative public lecture circuit claiming to be an ex-terrorist who was a member of pretty much every Islamic terrorist organisation in the world and pandering to the audience in a most ridiculous and transparently fraudulent way. Not from the Onion.
  • A poet reviews a book about black holes and finds it inspiring, absorbing and (yes) poetic. We need more of this exchange.
  • Malcolm Gladwell in a long New Yorker piece on how pedophiles get away with it. The key point is that someone who really wants to rape children will spend a LOT of energy in building up a charismatic persona of the helpful member of the community. An interesting (and useful) read that should dispel the trenchcoat-wearing loner with no social skills as the archetype child sex predator.
  • Ever got into a debate about what Muslims believe? Here are some facts in a large-scale Pew survey

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