Friday Links (12-Oct-12)

Oct 12, 2012 | Blog Topics, Links

  • Fascinating press release by Stanford: an academic of humanities has organised an MRI scan of literature students reading Jane Austen in two modes (leisurely vs close literary study). The two show quite different brain patterns suggesting that humanities gives the brain an intense and unique workout. Would be nice to see this done for other works spanning a range of genres though.
  • A recent XKCD went particularly viral with an ingenious way to get the reader to explore an enormous world (the comic is 46 feet long). But if you want to cheat, here’s a mirror with the zoomable map.
  • A great reminder of the complexity of the earth’s ecosystems. Apparently over 50% of the soil nutrients in the Amazon rainforest come from a tiny patch of desert in Chad. No patch, no Amazon.
  • There are entitled misogynist assholes who are looking for a “lady” on the internet. Then there’s this guy and his hilarious/scary list of 100 things he wants in an ideal woman.
  • Jerry Coyne appropriately flogs philosopher Thomas Nagel for his review of Plantinga’s latest anti-materialism book. It parallels Nagel’s own 2012 book on this. That there’s a large corner of philosophy where people can write such books without being laughed at shows its sorry state.
  • A wonderful Chrome plugin: erase Chris Brown from the internet
  • Check out the Bad Lip Reading YouTube channel especially its latest Romney edition. Contrary to the name, it’s very very good.

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