2009 Keywords

Dec 30, 2009 | Blog Topics

It’s that time of year again! I had a look at some of the odd, amusing and bizarre keywords used to find my blog in 2009.

Overall, my 2008 posts on sexual ethics drew the biggest chunk of search traffic, with the biggest keyword being concensual incest. In fact, I got about 1900 visits as of 21 Dec from incest-related queries, and 1100 from my combined posts on necrophilia, bestiality and pedophilia! I can only present a small fraction of the truly interesting ones. (Unsurprisingly some were too much even for my cavalier attitude to offensiveness!):

I think this person needs a bit of an explanation…

Always good to see traditional family values making a comeback.

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This person seems to be a racist asshole.

Sounds like a really bad title for a children’s picture book!

Hmm, that’s very specific. For the second one, I like his need for daily updates, as opposed to weekly ones. Sorry Google, doing one post doesn’t make this a daily thing.

Lest we forget that 2009 was the year right wing political insanity skyrocketed.

And now for some other sex-related queries

Snopes.com needs a new page on this.

Now that’s just disturbing.

Yeah! Bring back the days where a woman could be executed for sex. Also I like the optimism with which this person typed THAT query into Google. It doesn’t even look like an attempt at getting information, just venting.

Yep, wet dreams are definitely not Hindu-kosher. Neither is the blink reflex or sneezing. Actually: Pope Urban VIII issued a 1624 papal bull that made smoking tobacco punishable by excommunication, because he believed it led to sneezing which too closely resembled sexual ecstasy.


There sure is!

Whatever you do then, don’t read this.

Some other bizarre ones:


This sounds like an awesome superhero comic book series!

Say it isn’t so-o-o-o!

Yes. Yes indeed.

The next three belong to the Captain Obvious fanclub



Umm…how bout “there is such a thing as a stupid question” — is that true?

And never let it be said that you can’t use my blog for how-to advice:

It would be interesting if these are all from the same [extremely-confused] person.

And finally, something to think about for 2010 — possibly the deepest question of our time.

Happy new year!

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